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Smiling Man

in Charlotte, NC

So You Need a Crown...

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If you have broken, fractured, discolored, or misshapen teeth, dental crowns may be the solution for you. Dental crowns can restore both the function and appearance of your teeth, bringing back their natural beauty.

Choosing the right type of dental crown for your needs is important, and your dentist can help you with that decision. Full-coverage dental crowns are perfect for repairing broken or fractured teeth, as they cover the entire tooth and prevent further damage. Onlays or partial-coverage dental crowns are more conservative treatments that cover only a portion of the damaged or decayed tooth.

At our dental clinic, Dr. Kevin Jalali has over a decade of experience and numerous national and international trainings in cosmetic and rehabilitative dentistry. Our state-of-the-art dental technology allows us to create your permanent crowns in a single visit.

If you're interested in learning more about how dental crowns can help you achieve a personalized smile, contact us today or click the button to schedule your consultation.

Watch Our Crown Process Video

The East Blvd Dentistry Difference

Our CEREC™ technology is revolutionizing the way dental crowns are done. Our patients are amazed at how fast and comfortable the process is compared to traditional methods. No more goopy paste impressions, gagging, or waiting weeks for permanent crowns while enduring the discomfort of a temporary crown. Our digital process eliminates all of those hassles.

The entire process is digital, making it more convenient for our patients. First, we start with a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific dental needs and goals. Next, we use an intraoral scanner and sophisticated design software to take digital impressions and design the restoration (crown) to fit perfectly in your mouth and match the color, shape, and size of your other teeth.

Then, we fabricate your new crown and make any finishing touches, such as polishing your crown or bridge, before bonding it securely to your tooth or teeth. Our restorations are made from high-quality materials, such as porcelain or zirconia, that blend seamlessly with your existing teeth. We can often complete the treatment in just 1-2 hours, delivering a strong, permanent tooth covering to restore your smile and function.

At our clinic, we prioritize your comfort and make sure you are completely numb during the process. If you experience anxiety, we offer dental sedation to help you relax. Just ask us during your visit.

We can also use CEREC technology to improve your smile with our cosmetic dentistry services.


Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about how we can help you achieve your best smile.

Dental Crown Cost in Charlotte

There is no doubt that dental treatment can be costly. Price of dental crown in Charlotte can vary based on your location, insurance plan and the type of crown you need. We offer two easy steps to help you make the right decision about this treatment and affordability:

Step 1: Set up a consultation appointment with where we can create a personalized treatment for your, answer your questions and discuss the best next step

Step 2: Provide us with your insurance information so we can perform a complimentary benefit check for you. We accept almost all PPO plans. If you do not have a dental coverage we also offer great dental saving plans that can save you $500 or more on your treatment. Click here to review these plans. 

dental crown cost Charlotte
tooth crown Charlotte Dilworth
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